Development Install (all supported OS)

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Before continuing, it is expected that you are familiar with Sentora and it's installation and how it works!

This is for the latest development version from the master branch on github.

This version is not intended for production servers!


  • Your server must comply with our Pre-installation Check. Read more
  • You MUST have setup DNS for the sub-domain that will be assigned to Sentora panel PRIOR to install.

Once logged in SSH console as root, use this command line:(You MUST use root! Not sudo!)

bash <(curl -L -Ss


If you have issues with curl you can try to copy and paste this command (for CentOS):

yum install wget -y && cd /tmp && wget && bash install


Alternatively you can do it manually:

1) Login to your server as root user:

sudo -i

2) Ensure you are in your home directory:

3) download the installer


If you get a certificate error from github try one of the two lines below

wget --no-check-certificate


4) Make the installer executable
chmod +x install

5) Run the installer
sudo ./install

6) Follow the on screen instructions during the installation.
(See also Installation configuration)

7) Return to user level ( or reboot server )


Post install:

All passwords are saved in file /root/passwords.txt

From time to time we find security loopholes in Sentora. We fix them and release emergency patches. You need to install these.
Read more

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