Development Update Sentora v2.x.x versions (all supported OS)

Before updating please consider donating, the project relies on the kind donations from our users!


Before continuing, it is expected that you are familiar with Sentora and it's installation and how it works!

This is for the latest development version from the master branch on github.

This version is not intended for production servers!

Supported OS:

The Sentora installer officially supports the following operating systems:

  • CentOS 8
  • Ubuntu 20.04.

Unsupported OS:

Some distributions derived from the supported operating systems may work. You are free to use Sentora on unsupported systems at your own risk. Sentora's development team will offer no support to unsupported distributions.


Sentora Folders/Files to backup ( VERY IMPORTANT ) :

Sentora core                   -     /etc/sentora

Sentora user data            -     /var/sentora

Sentora password files     -     /root/passwords.txt

How to backup Sentora full Database:

Only run this as ( ROOT USER ONLY NO SUDO )

mysqldump --user=root --password=[ YOUR MySQL ROOT PASSWORD ] --all-databases > ~/sentora_full_db.sql


Updating Sentora

You may need to log into phpMyAdmin and change the Sentora version (sentora_core.x_settings.so_name_vc > dbversion)  to something lower than the version available in the master branch.

Once logged in SSH console as root, use this command line:(You MUST use root! Not sudo!)

bash <(curl -L -Ss


If you have issues with curl you can try to copy and paste this command (for CentOS):

yum install wget -y && cd /tmp && wget && bash update

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